Getting Rid of Ants
Ants are the most common pest issue in the United States. Some of the most common & problematic species include the Imported Fire Ant, Carpenter Ants, Pavement Ants & Sugar Ants. These pests pose risks to health & sanitation, and some can even cause structural damage and destruction of property.
This is a step-by-step tutorial for removing active ant issues from your home or living space. This tutorial was written by a licensed pest control applicator (that’s me, hi!) and utilizes the same practices used by industry experts.
This tutorial uses the NatureTek Pro Kit as the means of treatment. Although not required to follow this guide, we recommend using NatureTek because it includes everything needed to solve ants issues, including the specific pest control products required, as well as the tools & safety equipment needed to apply it. To get a custom pest control kit to get rid of your ants, click HERE.
1. Prepare to Treat
Make sure you’re wearing a long sleeve shirt, long pants and closed-toe shoes. Use the provided safety gloves whenever handling product. Always follow included product label instructions.
Follow the included directions for mixing the product and attaching the electric spray wand.
2. Apply Foundation Treatment
To get rid of ants in your home you always need to treat the entire exterior foundation of the home. Be sure to spray up the wall (2 feet) and also a little out from the base (1 foot) to create a solid barrier.
Ants operate in colonies and send foraging ants in and out of your home for resources. By locking down the foundation with treatment, you will begin eliminating not only the ants crawling through it, but all ants they come in contact with due to the transfer effect of our products.
3. Treat Outside Problem Areas
Next, check to see if you can find signs of the ants on the outside. Ants always start outside and work their way inside, so check to see if you can find a trail of ants coming to and from the home. If you do, treat along their trail and follow them to hopefully find their colony. If you locate the colony (ant mound, ant hill), spray it directly for great results.
If you are unable to find and treat activity outside of the home, that’s okay, the product’s residual effect will do the work over time.
4. Treat the Inside
Finally, you can treat problem areas inside if you like. If you’re currently seeing a large amount of ants inside the home, this step is recommended. Typically this will be rooms with food & water, such as kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, etc. Set your sprayer to a mist setting and treat broadly along floorboards, entry points, baseboards, etc.
This step will speed up the process, but remember, it’s the thorough foundation treatment that will protect the home over the long term.
5. Recommended Products for Ants
For ants, you need professional products that have residual and transfer effects. These are important for eliminating not only the ants that crawl through the product, but the remainder of the ants in wall voids, crawlspaces, attics and colonies.
NatureTek kits come with products that have these effects and are fantastic at solving any ant issue. To get a pest control kit to solve your ant issues, click the link below.